St. John’s Wort

I’ve had to take a too long hiatus from this blog and find it only appropriate to return with one of the most powerful herbs I’ve come across—both in the woods and in my research. Արեւքուրիկ (Arevkouyrig) is indicated as a master healer of sorts. It can be applied to any wound immediately to help stop bleeding and promote healing.

Amirdovlat documents how արեւքուրիկ was steeped in baths to help relax and calm the body. It was also one of the favored treatments for hemorrhoids, they recommended consuming it to take advantage of this.

I reflect on the Armenian name for St. John’s wort. Of course translating directly as “sister of the sun” can be a reference to the small, bold yellow flowers that accompany this herb, but I think it can also be a symbol of its ability to alleviate sorrow and grief. At a time when you may need support, consider brewing արեւքուրիկ tea.


Armenian Herbal Handguide for Grief


Common Mint